Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Collections
Total dependencies: 1085
This library helps you create and use extensions for music players
CoPilot is an object relational mapper (ORM). In its core it works like a micro ORM, but it has some neat and powerful features added on top of it, which makes it more of a "middle ground" ORM. CoPilot is built with performance and flexibillity in mind, and was specifically designed to avoid any lea...
Sophie API SDK
MongoDB generic client for .Net Core.
LightInject IOC packge for the Caliburn.Micro MVVM framework
The MyAir3 API allows for discovery, querying and commanding of Airconditioning units connected to a MyAir3 controller. Includes support for .net Micro Framework
A little library designed to making working with XML a little easier.
A utility class for deserializing a json stream
Obsolete: Packages have been migrated to `Premise.Data, Premise.Web`
Premise provides common generic base classes and extensions for .net vnext applications.
Compress and decompress ZIP files.
The modern Twitter library, fork project of CoreTweet. The goal is that it has more flexible API structure.
Install as a DNX command. Generates plugin packages for Umbraco. You give it dlls, back-office files and it updates the Package.xml file and compresses it into a single installable archive. Usage: dnx . package settings.json
Google API discovery library ported to DNX Core 5.0 / CoreCLR / vNext.
Google API Auth library ported to DNX Core 4.x / 5.0.
Google API Core Library ported to DNX Core 5.0
Google API Library ported to DNX Core 5.0