Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Suave

Total dependencies: 60

Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
A pluggable healthcheck endpoint for the Suave functional web server.
Document your Suave web services with Swagger. Swagger UI is embedded in resources and a WebPart serving it is automatically added.
Exira.StaticMailer is a REST endpoint running in a Windows Service to enable static sites to easily send mail
Shaver is lightweight F# library for web server built on the top of the Razor Engine and provides some extra features like template composing, setting custom return codes, localization resources support or server thread auto-localization by client Accept-Language header.
This project is a POC helping you to document your Suave services with RouteTypeProvider.
An Experimental OData Implementation in Suave With LiteDB.FSharp implementation for Suave web server
Transform URL requests into IEvent triggers. Visit for examples and documentation.
A utility library to scale Up Azure Functions in F# Using Suave. By using this libary you can host and run your Suave code in Azure Functions.
Set of helper functions for smooth running Suave web server on Internet Information Services (IIS)
OAuth authorization WebParts for Suave WebApp framework
Suave in opposite to OWIN offers WebSockets that run on Mono. The project demonstrates how WebSharper can be coupled with Suave WebSockets
Suave server for Elmish.Bridge
Run standard fsharp codes in watch mode
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
First release of the SDK for developing modules for the IoX (Internet of everything interconnecting) runtime
SQL database admin/CRUD ui
Run standard fsharp codes in watch mode