Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on StringTemplate 4

Total dependencies: 9

This package contains the NBi framework and references each dll to your project. This package is not intended to be directly used by end-users willing to create test-suites. Check the package NBi.VisualStudio, if you want to facilitate the usage of NBi from Visual Studio. NBi is a testing framework ...
NBi is an open-source framework to test your Business Intelligence solutions or validate your data quality.
Provides the visualizer runtime for StringTemplate 4.
Extending the configuration posibilities of NET core apps by applying configurable parameters stored in ini/properties files to json template files. Fully compatible with the built-in json configuration provider - designed to work as a drop-in replacement for it.
Embed template tags inside open office documents.
Core functtions for project Idunn
The actual agent, in lib form so as to be embeddable and easy to package in different ways.
Package Description