Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Simple Statsd Client for .NET Standard 2.0

Total dependencies: 11

Provides SimpleInjector plugins for the VE Metrics Statsd client for C#
Provides CastleWindsor interceptors for the VE Metrics StatsD client for C#
FlipperDotNet is a feature-flagging system
VE Metrics Statsd client for C#, providing influxdb-specific functionality for statsd
Provides Unity plugins for the VE Metrics Statsd client for C#
Provides Mvc specific plugins for Ve Metrics C# client
VE Metrics Statsd client for C#, providing influxdb-specific functionality for statsd
VE Metrics Statsd client for C#, providing influxdb-specific functionality for statsd
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
Simple wrapper around statsd-csharp-client which prepends the metric name with the hosts Fully Qualified Domain Name and a configurable ApplicationName prefix.
Simple wrapper around statsd-csharp-client which prepends the metric name with the hosts Fully Qualified Domain Name and a configurable ApplicationName prefix.