Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on StackExchange.Redis

Total dependencies: 1319

Redis messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
帮助类 0.0 文件帮助类 0.1 math帮助类 0.2 enum帮助类 0.3 异常帮助类 0.4 字节数组帮助类 0.5 加密解密帮助类 0.7 SVG文件帮助类 0.8 Redis帮助类 0.9 Random帮助类 0.10 对象属性帮助类 0.11 ini文件帮助类 0.12 ModbusTCP协议报文生成、校验及解析帮助类 0.13 Tcp通讯帮助类
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extension Method For Easy Develop High Tech .Net Application. ForExample : Implementation Of StackExchange Library Of Redis, ...
Temporary Redis server using whatever redis is available on the local machine
This is a StackExchange.Redis's client proxy help you to connect the Redis Server easier. It control the connection and retry. Also provide the request/response log. GitLab Repository:
Order implementation
CacheCow is an HTTP Caching Library for .NET
Elephant storage library
A simple distributed caching provider based on StackExchange.Redis.
YeditepeSoft Framework .NET Core 6.0.x
Database Layer for
ADS Dapper - SQL Server
OmniCX SDK Core contains API SDK and Models required to run the make the api calls
Redis DB setting reader for backend Game server
.NET Toolkits (class libraries) containing reusable code for speeding up development of any .NET applications. NKit.Standard is the .NET Standard compatible version of NKit.
.NET Toolkits (class libraries) containing reusable code for speeding up development of any .NET applications. NKit.Standard is the .NET Standard compatible version of NKit. NKit.Windows is the .NET Framework compatbile version of NKit. NKit.Core is the latest .NET Core compatible version of N...
Simple Development!
Contains dlls for Redis Persistence Provider: DbPersistenceProvider which implements interface IPersistenceProvider, DbSchemePersistenceProvider which implements interface ISchemePersistenceProvider, DbXmlWorkflowGenerator which implements interface IWorkflowGenerator. Steps for w...
Dotnet Core Lib(CI,Extensions),DI Scoped