Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SkiaSharp for Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 107

Beautiful Platform Controls for Xamarin Platforms
Beautiful Platform Controls for Xamarin Platforms
Create simple cross-platforms (Xamarin, Windows, ...) charts.
UI Component which can be used as a container with rounded corners.
A Xamarin.Forms animated button, in the style of the YouTube Play button. Supports Play/Paused or Play/Stopped modes. When clicked it morphs from one state to the next. Allows a bit of customization too.
Display horizontal or vertical gauges in your Xamarin Forms app. Use the predefined Compass or Gradometer gauges for simplicity.
ImageResizer.AspNetCore is the image server for ASP.NET CORE. It can be dropped into existing apps and works, enable fast and adaptive websites, and improve your sales by reducing page load time. it can do: Resize, Crop, Padding, Max, Stretch, Change Quality, Change Format Forked from: https:/...
Essential UI Kit for Xamarin Forms - Easy-to-Use
Controls and Views for Xamarin.Forms Features: - Color Picker and Color Wheel Views - Gradient Frame - BubbleView(for notification counts) - SimpleRadialGuageView - TouchEffect for iOS, Android and UWP - Single multi-targeting package
Updated to latest Xamarin.Forms and MSBuild.Sdk.Extras
SupportUIXF is a open source project that aims to provide a powerful and cross platform set of controls and helpers tailored to work with Xamarin Forms.
Cross-platform rating component for Xamarin.Forms using SkiaSharp Commit : 4bf9724af123096048da9ed227a49a12e1ee8a07, 07/11/2017 14:27:13 +01:00
A collection of Audio Controls for Xamarin Forms.
SVG viewer control for Xamarin Forms, based on SkiaSharp
Xamarin Forms Gauge Plugin Library
Using SkiaSharp with Xaml,Bindings and DataTemplates. Compatible with Xamarin Forms