Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SixLabors.ImageSharp

Total dependencies: 231

PdfSharp for .NET Core / EasyDataCore PdfSharpCore is a partial port of PdfSharp.Xamarin for .NET Core Additionally MigraDoc has been ported as well (from version 1.32). Images have been implemented with ImageSharp from
A blazor library provide a component to crop images
TrippyGL is a highly versatile, yet lightweight and simple to use OpenGL graphics library that runs on .NET Core. This package provides integration with the ImageSharp library, allowing loading and saving textures from files or images.
TrippyGL is a highly versatile, yet lightweight and simple to use OpenGL graphics library that runs on .NET Core. This package provides basic font creating/loading/saving functionality.
Provides extension methods for TesserNet when using ImageSharp.
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This is package is based on SixLabors.ImageSharp.
This is Devedse's maze generator implemented in .NET Core.
Package contains a bunch of ffmpeg-based decoders that allows to extract frames from video and processing it's using ImageSharp.
File processing
Core Library
BCnEncoder.NET is a library for compressing rgba images to different block-compressed formats. Both ktx and dds output file-formats are supported. It has no native dependencies and is .NET Standard 2.1 compatible. Supported formats are: Raw unsigned byte R, RG, RGB and RGBA formats BC1 (S3T...
Package Description
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
Squidex Internal Libraries
基础类库(项目内基础用法大全) 版本更新: 1、删除拓展方法UseApplication 2、删除拓展方法AppSettingExtension 3、删除拓展方法AddApplication
OmniPdf is a .NET library for converting HTML into PDF documents. The library is .NET Standard 2.0 library using 100% managed code. It will run on .NET Framework (4.6.1 or higher) and .NET Core (2.0 or higher). Applications using .NET Core can generate PDF documents on all .NET Core supported operat...
PopForums Class Library
Adds a WebP format for ImageSharp. Only for encoding images so far.
IO Utilities.