Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SharpZipLib

Total dependencies: 536

This package contains a library that makes is very easy to serialize classes. It is based on the .net 3.0 DataContract
Swf decompiler
A.Net Core Class Library for developing methods and Models for use in acturial work
Esta libreria una serie de funcionalidades comunes que ayudan a reducir tiempo de desarrollo
A .Net Core Class Library which provides Methods and Models for working with Windows Azure Storage and SandersonMorgan ActuarialLibrary
Extract/Conversion IFC file content into JSON using XBIM COBie format
Extract/Conversion IFC file content into JSON using XBIM COBie format
Provides mechanisms for interacting with Tiled maps.
AD-1433 :Issue with excel export data is fixed
A fork of the Couchbase Lite 1.4 ( modified for use with Xamarin and PredixSDK
My package description.
订单状态 增加一个欠费
Package Description