Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SharpDX.Mathematics

Total dependencies: 65

Contains a renderer used to draw two dimensional graphics using Direct 3D 11.2 for hardware accelation.
Contains functionality to read, write and manipulate image data using various common image formats such as DDS, TGA, PNG, etc...
Contains access to low level graphics functionality utilizing hardware accelerated rendering through Direct3D 11.2.
The API for accessing content file systems created by the Gorgon Editor from an application. It can also be used to create plug ins for the Editor application.
Contains common core functionality used by the various Gorgon libraries.
Contains the functionality used to provide animation to specific property types on objects.
Contains functionality to create, read and store bitmap fonts for use in text rendering.
Seeing# is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
Seeing# is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
SeeingSharp is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
Assembly providing APIs related to Desktop platform with support for .Net Core 3.1, .Net framework 4.6.1+ and .NET 5.0+
Package Description
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets WPF applications.
Made with pleasure but serious. A C# cross-platform game toolkit to create 2d and 3d games. This package is intended for development on Windows platform. See more info at
Made with pleasure but serious. A C# cross-platform game toolkit to create 2d and 3d games. This package is intended for development on Universal Windows platform, including Desktop, Mobile, Holographic, IoT, and Xbox One. See more info at
Provides a specific implementation for every supported platform.
This library contains all multimedia functionality of seeing# like Direct3D 11 rendering, video rendering, sound playing and so on... Supported targets: - Classic Desktop (.Net 4.6) - Windows 10 Universal Apps
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets WPF applications.