Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SharpDX.Direct3D9

Total dependencies: 42

OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets WPF applications.
This library contains all multimedia functionality of seeing# like Direct3D 11 rendering, video rendering, sound playing and so on... Supported targets: - Classic Desktop (.Net 4.6) - Windows 10 Universal Apps
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets WPF applications.
This library contains all multimedia functionality of seeing# like Direct3D 11 rendering, video rendering, sound playing and so on... Supported targets: - Classic Desktop (.Net 4.6) - Windows 10 Universal Apps This version of the library is for development...
WPF dark theme and controls for .NET Core and .NET Framework
This is a NET Core conversion of an existing nuget package for NET Framework.
Textbox with Hilight and Regex and Folding
A modified version of D2DControl for use by libReloaded, a component of Reloaded Mod Loader.
WPF Control for Direct2D with SharpDX
SharpDX module for Gemini, providing integration for SharpDX/Direct3D content in WPF.
Chart and Mapping Control for C#/WPF
Injects Dear ImGui into the current process.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
This library contains several extensions and controls for the .Net FW which help creating more powerful applications that use Arduino interfacing.
Nice charts for .net