Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ServiceStack webservice framework: Faster, Cleaner, Modern WCF alternative

Total dependencies: 110

Open Source Workflow Engine in .NET Core2.1 Framework
Provides a service that generates the Postman collection import JSON necessary to generate requests to all routes defined in the ServiceStack service.
ServiceStack Script Pack for scriptcs
封装Redis接口 只需要配置读取和存储地址就可以使用了
A ServiceStack plugin providing an interface for FluentMigrator database migrations.
This project contains functionality that extends the servicestack framework.
Lelibre Framework ServiceStack
ServiceStack.Funq.Quartz allows an easy registration of all Quartz Jobs within ServiceStack's Funq container. This allows for dependency injection within any Quartz Job.
CodeMash tools for .NET developers. Access tools from .NET
Identity token provider for which can be easily added as a plugin to ServiceStack.
General utility functionality used throughout various iayos projects, driven largely by Moneta, with a few other surprises on the way.
PerFieldAuth for ServiceStack allows for defining authentication roles required for the specific DTO fields to be accessible
UserActivityStats for ServiceStack provides info on active users, including their's inactivity time and last seen IP
The OhioTrackStats API Service Model
The Autofac IOC Adapter for ServiceStack, as described here:
Autofac container adapter for ServiceStack with per-request scope
Service Models for the GAP API