Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on .NET's fastest JSON Serializer by ServiceStack

Total dependencies: 292

A simple .NET wrapper library for the Spotify Web API
A simple wrapper for the Statistics Denmark DATABANK API.
Fetches the historical and future earnings dates for stock tickers from Yahoo Finance
Authentication utilities and extensions.
A typed message-based .NET client gateway for accessing Rotessa's REST API.
C# Message-Based JSON-RPC Client over WebSockets
The correlation ID is not an error number or code. Simply, it's a GUID (globally unique identifier) that's automatically generated for every request that the server receives. It's unique to each request, not each error. However, when an error occurs, the error message contains the correlation ID tha...
Package Description
Package Description
base contexts for JPProject
Genyman Core Library
RPoney框架日志文件 封装log4net 记录本地文件日志 1.0.1 优化输出文本显示排版
An http wrapper for calling the InRule Rule Execution Http Service.