Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog.Extensions.Logging

Total dependencies: 343

Plugga.Core lets you quickly create modular ASP .Net Core applications searching, loading and configuring any "pluggable" component. Pluggable components are a little set of commonly used objects as Controllers, DbContexts, Razor Pages, SignalR Hubs, HostedServices, static assets and, of course, you...
Package Description
Sop.Spider a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
Package Description
Task Management Tool-Common
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Serilog logger registration extensions for dependency injection.
Installation Qualification
Helpers for dotnet core console. Startup for console
Workflow Core IOC for Castle.Windsor is an IOC provider of Castle.Windsor for workflow engine targeting .NET Standard.
X64 .Net Library for SophiaTX Blockchain, release covers .netcore 2.0, .netframework 4.5.2 and .net framework 4.6.2
X86 version of.Net Library for SophiaTX Blockchain, release covers .netframework 4.5.2 and .net framework 4.6.2
Serilog logger for Nancy web applications. Handler request, response and exceptions.
EventBus RabbitMQ implementation.
Automatic log communication (request and response) from RestSharp using Serilog. Extendd from Thiago Barradas