Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog.Enrichers.Environment

Total dependencies: 129

C# utils libraries contain a collection of reusable models, helper methods and extensions. Specific to ASP.NET Core project.
Package Description
Cloudburst Microservice Toolkit: Logging for microservices using Serilog and Cloudburst.Configuration
Package Description
This is an add-on to BoltOn NuGet package to support Serilog
Logging Framework for service oriented systems.
Zametek utility logging classes.
Tools for working with Serilog logging
Package Description
Package Description
KAM.Aether.SharedLibraries and SharedModels
Serilog extensions and enrichers.
Schedule your jobs using cron expressions. -just update your schedulrsettings.json as what you want. -use like below lines in your Program.cs SchedulrManager.Build("My Service"); SchedulrManager.Add(() => { Console.WriteLine("Foo"); }); Schedu...
Package Description
Package Description
YYApp Serilog common and defaults
The IppOAuth2PlatformSdk is a set of .NET classes that make it easier to make OAuth2 calls for the Intuit's APIs. This is a stripped off version from the main QBO V3 SDK just for making OAuth2 API calls.