Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SSH.NET

Total dependencies: 160

Architecture and Code Reuse Library for Prodjex
A lightweight ORM alternative that supports bulk inserts, bulk updates, and Sprocs for .NET Core
Griffin Report Writer (C# Custom Library, for internal use only)
Oluşturduğunuz Programlar İçin Otomatik Güncelleme Özelliğini Kullanabileceksiniz.
Recipe that installs the logic to setup an OpenVpn server.
Basic IO classes and interfaces.
Allows to manage local files, FTP, FTPES, FTPS and SFTP files in a uniform and simple way
Provides various classes that assist with ASP.NET Core 2 development.
A C Sharp user control set used to design the ui for your application
Provides a generic filesystem access layer.
Publish .Net Core app to remote server via SSH
Upload files or streams to FTP server.
Common libraries to handle logging, exceptions and file manipulation
SSH-Port-Forwarder is a .NET Standard library implementing AddSshTunnel extension method for the interface Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection. AddSshTunnel establishes SSH tunnel using connection info stored in the app configuration. It can be used, for example, to establish...
SSH plugin for Meep, supporting SCP uploads/downloads and the ability to login to a remote shell and issue commands via inbound pipeline Messages, passing the responses back into the pipeline as Messages.
Created on 2022-06-01 23:47
It is a .NET Core/Standard library that provides usefull SFTP methods and implementation