Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NumericalLibraries Derivative

Total dependencies: 6

Chart component for Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries suite
Library for computing fourier transform
Easy to use library for computing integrals. var math = new Integral("3*x^2-5", 5, 10); var result = math.ComputeIntegral(); // result = 850
Easy to use library for computing zero (root) of a function. var math = new FunctionRoot.Hybrid("(x+1)^2-9", 0, 1.5); var result = math.ComputeHybrid(); // result = 2
Easy to use library for computing differential equations. var math = new Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries.Differential.Differential(""3*x^2-5""); var result = math.ComputeDifferential(4, 2, 0); // result = 46
Backpropagation methods for training neural networks