Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Rx-Main

Total dependencies: 275

Provides a covariant enhanced version of the EventPattern<TEventArgs>, in the form of IEvent<out TEventArgs> and Event<TEventArgs> (wihch inherits from EventPattern<TEventArgs>).
xUnit tests for netfx-System.Reactive.Event
Reactive LINQ extensions supplementary to Microsoft's Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx).
CorLib is a class-library containing many useful types missing from the .NET Framework, such as Gate, AtomicUInt64, & EventLoopSchedulerSlim, and extension methods expanding on Rx's ToTask for APM integration, as well as WaitHandle conversions to IObsevable<Unit>!
WinRT .Net client library for communicating with the Stormancer platform
AutoCompleteBox for WinRT built using Reactive Extensions. For more info see
Implementing socket-based prototols in .NET has never been easier. Example: from header in socket.Receiver.Buffer(4) let length = BitConverter.ToInt32(header.ToArray(), 0) let body = socket.Receiver.Take(length) select Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body.ToEn...
A durable job queue library based on Reactive extensions
The server side component for Pushqa - providing queryable event streams over HTTP using Reactive Extensions, OData and SignalR. This package expects an ASP.Net Web Application project.
The Polaris Kinect package provides several services to simplify the development of applications based on Kinect input. Custom Ui Service, Speech Recognition, custom user interface controls among other features are contained in this package.
The Polaris Common Services package contains several services that can be used as a framework to simplify the development of compelling user experiences. By providing a set of prism service modules, the Common Services package contains functionality of common use for most of the applications based o...
Kanban board based on redmine issues
A simple Windows 10 SDK for the Receipt Bank API
Types shared by Weingartner.Wpf.* projects
Uses Rx v2.5.5
This packages allows to examine the contents of your Xamarin iOS app's Akavache cache. Explorer will not attempt to modify the content of the cache in any way.