Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Rx-Interfaces

Total dependencies: 95

Package description
Simplified version of the ReactiveUI framework Project main goal is to keep limited subset of ReactiveUI features: - this.WhenAny, this.WhenAnyValue, this.WhenAnyObservable - ObservableAsPropertyHelper, ToProperty - ReactiveObject, this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged - ReactiveCommand, ReactiveAsyncCommand
WhenChanged extension for INotifyPropertyChanged and ICommand implementation
Fody weaver used to manage disposables returned from calls to IObservable.Subscribe() in a composite disposable to ensure they're cleaned up when an object is disposed
Small set of utilities for using Rx with C# properties
Here is a set of control that merge the functionality of both Menu and Ribbon
Extended WPF Toolkit
This is a flexible performance benchmark framework. The framework provides custom attributes in order to tag benchmark classes and methods. NPerf uses attributes in much the same may as Nunit. This library is a complete re-write of Jonathan de Halleux's original Nperf framework http://www.codepro...
.NET Framework WPF Extended. Simple MVVM framework, persistent disk cache.
A high performance fully-async Micro-ORM for ADO.NET.
Provide error handling for reactive and non reactive coding
Provide error handling for reactive and non reactive coding in ReactiveUI
The Perspex UI framework
The Perspex UI framework
The Perspex UI framework
The Perspex UI framework
Common library for base app server for windows
The VTS (Virtual Tissue Simulator) is an open source library for .NET that was designed as a modular and scalable platform to provide an integrated suite of computational tools to define, solve, visualize, and analyze relevant forward and inverse radiative transport problems in Biomedical Optics.