Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RevStackCore.Pattern

Total dependencies: 20

StackExchange.Redis typed POCO client
EntityFrameworkCore implementation of the RevStackCore repository pattern
Neo4j implementation of the RevStackCore repository/graph pattern
SQL Server implementation of the RevStackCore repository pattern.
Generic Typed POCO client for SQL compliant data sources
RevStackCore implementation of the AspNetCore Identity framework.
Push notification client and entities
DynamoDb implementation of the RevStackCore generic repository pattern
C# Design Pattern Graph Extension
Extended C# Design Pattern class library for SQL
Cache repository pattern abstraction
RevStackCore .net core OrientDb repository pattern.
Data interfaces for the Plunk Microservice Framework.
Geolocation extensions
RevStack Core Payment class library.
File Management solution integrating 3rd party storage providers such as S3 and dropbox.
File Management solution integrating 3rd party storage providers such as S3 and dropbox.
aspnetcore mvc extensions
IO generic repository pattern abstraction
Push notification entities