Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RestSharpSigned

Total dependencies: 40

TestLeft connector
mx51 Instore Simple Payments Integration (SPI) API
A client library for Analyze Re high performance analytics services
Kraken is a set of open source libraries for SharePoint development. The package includes code for writing provider hosted apps, including CSOM utilities.
EasyPost Shipping API Client Library for .NET
Kraken is a battle tested library for developing SharePoint applications that's been around since before 2010 and is used in many projects. This package includes libraries for developing farm WSP solutions that require full trust. Includes the sandbox library as a sub-set.
Kraken is a battle tested library for developing SharePoint applications that's been around since before 2010 and is used in many projects. \ This package includes libraries for .NET development that fall outside the scope of SharePoint itself. Both partial-trust and full-trust libraries ...
Client SDK utilizing the Lionbridge GeoFluent translation API for real-time communications.
A helper package for calling RESTful Web API services
C#/.Net wrapper for Yandex.Speller API
RestSharp Custom Authenticator for Aws Sig 4 authentication
Clients for accessing Services Apis
Clients for accessing Pipeline Apis
Clients for accessing EFolder Apis
Clients for accessing Loan Apis
Clients for accessing Custom Data Object Apis
Clients for accessing Contacts Apis
Blogs API makes it easier to develop .Net application that interact with major russian bloghosting. Blogs API allows you to make posts, comments, parse data and just have fun with blogs (lj,liru,yaru,blogs.mail and so on). Additionally, i integrated it with RssToolKit and added FOAF parser. PS: Th...
This is the .NET library used for interacting with the MEDrefer Web API.