Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RestSharp

Total dependencies: 2427

TempoIQ Client Library for the .NET platform
A .NET client library for Trello.
Twitch API wrapper for .Net
A lightweight C# wrapper for the Yo API
REST Wrapper for Account Domain
Use the Tictail API to create new Tictails apps, with this Nuget package can you easily connect with the API using any .NET technologi.
A client library for posting questions to
Thin Wrapper for the SharpHooks API.
A simple wrapper for accessing the LaunchKey API
Hawk Http Authentication for RestSharp
Core of LinqToWiki, a library for accessing MediaWiki wikis (including Wikipedia) through their API.
Implementation of Antigate API for C# Required RestSharp for Http work
Bitly (the online URL shortening service) API consumer. Authentication: + Basic OAuth (Access Token based on Username/Password) Endpoints + [QR Codes] + [Links]: /v3/expand; /v3/info; /v3/link/lookup; /v3/shorten; /v3/user/link_edit; /v3/user/link_lookup; /v3/user/link_save + [Data APIs]: /v3/high...
MvcKickstart module used to easily plug in RestSharp.
Provides .NET wrappers around the CUNI notification engine including being able to initiate a monitoring session, edit which mailboxes are being monitored and handling events raised by the server. Can be used in a desktop applciation or a web server based on configuration.
A simple C# wrapper for the Rotten Tomatoes API
This is a very simple class to interoperate with Yammer through Rest API and OAuth2 authentication
Thin Wrapper for the Filter8 API. A profanity and language filtering service.