Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Refactorius.Common

Total dependencies: 7

The Refactorius Extensions.ServiceErrorProxy proxy wraps and unwraps server-side exceptions so that they could be properly re-thrown on the client side.
The Refactorius Extensions.ServiceError utility library provides a generic proxy used to wrap and unwrap server-side exceptions so that they could be properly re-thrown on the client side.
The log4net adapter for Refactorius.Logging library.
The MS SQL database enabing xUnit extension library.
The Refactorius hierarchical logging interface library provides a log4net-like logging interface supporting hierarchical logging and easy adddition of arbitrary extra information to log messages.
Extends the Refactorius utility library with PropertyBag and SettingsBag classes and related utility classes and extension methods
The Refactorius SQL utility library provides helpful extension methods used in the Refactorius code.