Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RawRabbit

Total dependencies: 74

Write RawRabbit's logs with Log4Net
Configure messages and topology with attributes.
Task Management Tool-Common
Package Description
Integrate RawRabbit with the Stateless StateMachine.
Serialize messages with Protobuf in RawRabbit
Enrich the BusClient with PublishAsync, used to perform a BasicPublish
Write RawRabbit's logs with NLog
Serialize messages with ZeroFormatter in RawRabbit
Serialize messages with MessagePack in RawRabbit
DShop Common
Shop Common
Common library for .Net Core microservices in ClothingStoreFranchise app.
Ntrada RabbitMQ Extensions.
Ntrada RabbitMQ Extensions.
Paquete de soporte para mensajeria asincrona con RabbitMQ y Event Sourcing con MediatR
DNC Common