Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RateLimiter

Total dependencies: 11

SDK package for Fortnox API. This package is developed and maintained by Softwerk AB. For more information please visit the repository on Github.
Irc implementation, to communicate and receive events from twitch channels.
API implementation, to perform requests against twitch Helix API.
Spawns shards and manages a bot's lifetime on the Discord WebSocket gateway.
C# Client library for Discogs API v2.0 Features Include API to authorize user (generating OAuth1.0 token and token secret) Full support to DataBase API including image download Support of identity API Asynchroneous and cancellable API using Tasks Transparent management of pagination using none blo...
.Net api for interacting with the PipeDrive API. Fully Async and support for custom fields and API Rate limiting.
RestSharpHelper Small library helper for RestSharp including rate limit, oauth1 support, helper for async download, usage of JSON.Net as json serializer and some helper method
PipeDrive Orb API Wrapper
Package Description
Very simple VK api library