Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RabbitMQ.Client

Total dependencies: 1269

RabbitMQ logger provider for the Microsoft Extensions Logging framework
This package contains Rabbit transport for Milde.Remoting.
Synapse Rpc System Base RabbitMQ
Customizable sink for Serilog that will post detailed messages and their properties to a RabbitMQ exchange.
CQELight.Buses.RabbitMQ provides an implementation of a client and a server for RabbitMQ message queuing, based on CQELight abstractions, to communicate throught RabbitMQ instance.
This is a simple library for help you use the Publish/Subscribe AMQP Pattern in your application. It supports use the structure of RabbitMQ. It have a separeted project with two Interfaces for you easily apply Dependecy injection.
RabbitMQ implementations of Brokezer.Bus
更新nuget依赖,udpate rabbitmq driver
Library to aid logging and expose diagnostic information about your process
0.0.*.* for SignalR 1.1.0 0.1.*.* for SignalR 1.0.4
RabbitMQ.Proxy is warpper for RabbitMQ.Client.
RabbitMQ implementation of the Messaging interfaces
.NET Core strongly typed RabbitMQ integration library
Implementation of generic broker in rabbitMQ
Simple message queue manager that works with RabbitMQ
Package Description