Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RabbitMQ.Client

Total dependencies: 1269

NLog Extension for RabbitMQ
This will install all basic elements for RMQ development
A RabbitMQ wrapper for .net core
RabbitMQ implementation to using with Tossit.
A reactive (RX) RabbitMQ.Client wrapper for common operations
RabbitMQ message provider implementation for the SenseNet.Security project.
Feedeem event bus is a library for defining event and event handle for RabbitMQ.
Experimental drop-in replacement for HTTP on ASP.NET Core 2.1
RabbitMQ components for Pip.Services in .NET
A sensenet messaging provider implementation for RabbitMQ.
.NET Standard 2.0
RabbitMQ components for Pip.Services in .NET
Handling connecting to RabbitMQ, creating channels, exchange/queue declaration and binding, etc.
A custom built .net core web api application framework.
Marmot is a multi-threaded connection pooling secure for RabbitMQ client that supports Fanout, Direct, and Topic modes.