Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Quartz.NET

Total dependencies: 397

Quartz.Net integration for Castle Windsor
Embedded web Quartz.NET console/manager
crawler framework , distributed crawler extractor. try ruiji scraper --- chrome web crawler
极速网站开发框架/a light fast web framework for .net core 3.1
Demo version of the fork of Noobot Toolkit gives you bonus middleware and plugins to use while developing your Noobot (Slack Bot).
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
ReCloud Core Class Library
Creates email messages to be used in PMoney applications.
This is a IoC container based on Dependency Injection. As dependencies are controlled with attributes, you do not need any code to register, lookup, or wire object instances. It is self contained by defining attributes in your classes. Configuration can also be externalized with a declarative XML c...
Description of the Package
ASP.NET Core extensions for Quartz.NET