Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Quartz.NET

Total dependencies: 397

Retry class library based on Quartz.Net, which is mainly applied to business types requiring long interval retry.
Quartz.NET with configuration for getting started quickly on a MongoDB database as the job store. NB requires manual configuration (see project site). Version 1.3 fixes some bugs thank to contributors and follows dependencies updates.
Quartz.NET with configuration for getting started quickly on a MongoDB database as the job store. NB requires manual configuration (see project site). Version 1.3 fixes some bugs thank to contributors and follows dependencies updates.
A C# Common Components
Provides the infrastructure code required to for the Jobbie.Scheduler.
集成Quartz 和 Topshelf,适用快速迭代开发
MongoDB job store implementation for Quartz.Net
RavenDB JobStore support for Quartz.NET scheduler.
This is supporting package for Quartzmin
Quartz Admin allows you to fire up a UI web interface to manage your Quartz scheduler. It's plug and play all you have to do is pass it on your scheduler instance and it will pull all your jobs from it. - View all the jobs together with the schedule - Execute jobs on demand - List triggers
A Quartz implementation for Panama, the command architecture for .Net developed by Diran Ogunlana
A fork of Quartz.Plugins.RecentHistory. This is supporting package for Quartzmin