Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on PubComp.NuGetPack

Total dependencies: 5

Web Exploration Model: crawlers, crawler reports, web analytic console, web loader, web crawler experiment setup...
Web Business Intelligence library of imbVeles Framework. Currently supports Web Site Classification using different Semantic Similarity and TF-IDF computation, kNN, Neural Networks, mSVM and Naive Bayes
Extension of imbNLP libraries, introducing support for MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic dictionary and pipeline framework for parallel web content decomposition and POS tagging
Natural Language Processing libraries of Veles project, Core and Data namespaces dealing with lexic resources, pipeline decomposition and other NLP stuff
imbACE is all about rapid console application development – any kind of console application. The main use case is: development of your research-specific console application/tool for automated experimentation, data processing and reporting. It contains several user input/output systems, parallel and ...