Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Prism.Wpf

Total dependencies: 114

SplashScreen module for Wider
Easy Virtual Canvas with zoom
Hierarchical DataGrid for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and WinForms.
Interface lib for DistributedVisionRunner.Module
ESAPI Extensions and helpers for quickly building robust clinical and research apps.
ESAPI Extensions and helpers for quickly building robust clinical and research apps.
ESAPI Extensions and helpers for quickly building robust clinical and research apps.
ESAPI Extensions and helpers for quickly building robust clinical and research apps.
ESAPI Extensions and helpers for quickly building robust clinical and research apps.
School Project for a Logger Monitor
Songhay Model, View, View-Model definitions for WPF (with Prism)
ESAPI Extensions and helpers for quickly building robust clinical and research apps.
Provides a FlyoutManager for managing MahApps.Metro Flyouts within the Prism framework, while maintaining separation of concerns, encapsulation and MVVM principles.
Use these extensions to build Prism applications based on lightweight MEF.
The WPF core-foundation to develop a Module-able, Pluginable application.
Allows prism to make full use of Castle Windsor best of breed IoC
Content TextDocument module for wider
Alert Popup For cTrader
DocuPanel project which allows to display a documentation wrtitten in Markdown.