Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on PowerShellStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 13

This is a .NET Framework enhancement framework. Main features are Versioning, Finance, Currency, Foreign Exchange, Money, Pricing strategy, Telemetry, Composite Weighted Progress, Repository and Unity of Wok pattern implementation with Entity Framework Core, Network Connectivity Se...
A small library of PSCmdlet extension methods including LINQ parameter checking.
Powershell Cmdlets that makes easier to call Powerapp Advisor Checker API and xrm online management API
Asynchronously pipe progress messages from long running functions to PowerShell cmdlets.
Base library for the powershell module. It introduces Command object which makes cmdlet modular.
An assembly to provide support for C# PowerShell modules with dynamic parameters.
This library facilitates the creation of dynamic parameters for PowerShell cmdlets written in .NET
Public APIs needed to create SecretManagement extension vault modules.
Just like System.Web.Abstractions, but for System.Management.Automation
Common components for creating PowerShell binary commands
Package Description