Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on PostSharp

Total dependencies: 187

Contains TraceSourceAttribute - a PostSharp-based aspect for simple but rich logging with .Net System.Diagnostics framework. It makes completely simple to use activity tracing and locial operations stacks.
A library for DigiData clients to track and collect events using the Trackerbird analytics service.
Statsd is a state of the art measurement tool created by Etsy. It allows creation of graphs and metrics in unobtrusive way with minimal performance impact. Varshaman is a C# wrapper for statsd that gives the ability to implement metrics creation as a cross cutting concern by integrating statsd exce...
A mixin is a class that provides a certain functionality to be inherited or just reused by a subclass. This project gives simple Mixin implementation fo c# using PostSharp AOP library. Mixins give simple way to cope with common issues like adding funcionality to comon classes that have to inherit fr...
A PostSharp-driven toolkit for running code out-of-process.
PostSharp.Toolkit.Domain signed until v3 will be in prod
Enables code contracts on methods and properties. By annotating your code with attributes like [NotNull], you can remove common validation code and provide helpful exception messages, making your code more robust and refactor-safe. These annotation attributes are also recognized by ReSharper when it...
NDecision.Aspects provides AOP-driven business logic execution. NDecision is a Fluent decisioning engine written with Behavior Driven Development practices.
A caching library based on Aspect Oriented Programming with PostSharp.
Library for implementing transparent encryption of fields and/or properties.
A flexible attribute based caching system using the framework's built in ObjectCache as a caching store. This project adds multiple regions and an intelligent key resolver that can use primary keys of objects as the cache key.
Allows usage of a TestCase attribute by using the DataSource attribute and PostSharp.
An out of the box integration for fluent validation framework and INotifyDataErrorInfo interface. just decorate your target class with [NotifyDataErrorInfo(typeof(<FluentValidatorType>))] . Recommended to use with Syncfusion Data Form.
Store your data in Local storage just by adding the SettingsAttribute on top of the properies to store or on top of your settings class and let our aspect do the rest for you. It work by weaving the geter and seter for the target property to make sure that it read/write from local storage.