Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Penguin.Persistence.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 18

Abstract objects and interfaces for use with Penguin.Persistence.Abstractions created to convert EntityFramework contexts to a repository pattern allowing for applications to decouple from EF and allow for other data providers.
Light set of classes used to allow Penguins to access MSSQL databases in a slightly-higher-level than ADO but not ORM. Created as a method of bypassing ORM for fallback without needing to reinvent the wheel in ADO. Includes some nice Database access methods as well as a method for converting an IEnu...
[Warning: Magic] Provides an implementation of IRegisterDependencies for the Penguin DependencyInjection system, that registers PersistenceConnectionInfo to resolve automagically so that it contains database connection info pulled from local configuration files ("DefaultConnectionString"). This ensu...
Contains a base class intended to be used in CMS systems to audit user interactions and modifications, an extension of Penguin.Entities
Attributes specific to the Penguin CMS dynamic rendering system for objects
Not Available
Contains the Penguin.Cms.Mail service and base classes used in the Penguin Mail stack
Provides IRepository implementations for the base Penguin Mail object, for use in queueing and generating mail messages
None Available