Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Penguin.Debugging

Total dependencies: 11

Light set of classes used to allow Penguins to access MSSQL databases in a slightly-higher-level than ADO but not ORM. Created as a method of bypassing ORM for fallback without needing to reinvent the wheel in ADO. Includes some nice Database access methods as well as a method for converting an IEnu...
Super helpful Reflection methods for Caching, as well as a static class designed to greatly simplify and speed up reflective searching. Supports (requires, for now) whitelisting assemblies and provides methods such as GetAllImplementations, GetAllTypes, GetDerivedTypes, GetMostDerivedType, GetTypeBy...
[Warning: Magic] Provides an implementation of IRegisterDependencies for the Penguin DependencyInjection system, that registers PersistenceConnectionInfo to resolve automagically so that it contains database connection info pulled from local configuration files ("DefaultConnectionString"). This ensu...
A full featured Penguin based Message Bus. Supports Custom service provider, static/instance recievers, Func/Method subscriptions. Allows for inheritence of message types so that derived types can trigger parent subscriptions. Super easy to use. Penguin approved.
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