Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Peachpie.Runtime

Total dependencies: 18

Peachpie platform dependencies.
Peachpie PHP language library functions for XML processing.
Support for dynamic code evaluation in Peachpie application. The package enables `eval` and `create_function` in compiled programs.
Peachpie PHP language MsSql library functions.
Peachpie PHP language library functions for image processing.
Peachpie PHP language library functions.
Allows integration of PeachPie compiled PHP code into ASP.NET Core pipeline.
Peachpie PHP language library functions with network related functionality.
Peachpie PHP language MySql library functions.
Implementation of IHttpHandler (request handler) for ASP.NET Integrated Pipeline.
Allows integration of PeachPie compiled PHP code into ASP.NET Core MVC.
Package Description
The API for integrating .NET plugins and to bridge between C# and WordPress PHP code.
EPPlus4PHP, written with peachpie.
NumEval evaluates numerical values of mathematical statements with complete precision, with no rounding errors. No limit is set on the number of digits of values so you can calculate huge numbers as well as incredibly small fractions. You can receive resulting fractions with as many decimals as you ...
Package Description
Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
Diff implementation