Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Peachpie.App

Total dependencies: 8

The MSBuild SDK containing build targets and runtime.
MirrorSharp PHP support library, implemented using Peachpie. MirrorSharp is a code editor <textarea> built on Roslyn — see for details.
Use "Peachpied.WordPress.AspNetCore" package to use the WordPress within ASP.NET Core application. This package is a dependency and does not work standalone.
Plugin that provides bridge between WordPress API and .NET.
NumEval evaluates numerical values of mathematical statements with complete precision, with no rounding errors. No limit is set on the number of digits of values so you can calculate huge numbers as well as incredibly small fractions. You can receive resulting fractions with as many decimals as you ...
Responsive File Manager running on .NET Core with Peachpie
ASCIIMath to TeX converter, port of the official PHP implementation using the Peachpie compiler project for .net core