Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on PackUtils

Total dependencies: 10

AspNet Scaffolding with log, serializer, and all structure to work good for me :D
Automatic log communication (request and response) from RestSharp using Serilog.
Complement for RestSharp to create fast and easily API Clients (SDK) with Newtonsoft serialization and Serilog Log
AspNet Scaffolding with log, serializer, and all structure to work good for me :D
Automatic log communication (request and response) from RestSharp using Serilog. Extendd from Thiago Barradas
Serilog logger for Nancy web applications. Handler request, response and exceptions.
Nancy Scaffolding with log, serializer, all structure to work good for me :D
Elasticsearch Bulk and Search is a high level library to make easy basic query operations (get, search and scroll) and index operations (single index or bulk), besides paging, sorting and query buider.
Serilog logger for AspNet web applications. Handler request, response and exceptions.
Client for SimpleAuth.Api (implements by