Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on OWIN

Total dependencies: 587

An MVC data manager, which provides one stop solution to create a data layer of any MVC application with basic user management functions.
Contains MVC Data Manager domain and view models
Package that adds whats needed to run a webapi library with iis owin connection and autofac, mediatr.
Provides helper methods for easier web ASPNET WebApi development
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET SignalR
OWIN Middleware component to replace generic Http Requested files with locale specific files
Gluon provides a type-safe remoting connector between an F# backend and a TypeScript client.
A SignalR channel implementation for SlimBroker
nCode Catalog
Plugin for adding Telerik Sitefinity Identity Provider capabilities to IdentityServer3
MetroOAuth JWT Server with implemenation of audience store, appstore, metroapplication user
WebSharper Warp
Cronix Web Interface
Allows you to utilize the Mongo database with ASP .NET Identity
A Slack Adapter for mmbot, a C# port of Github's Hubot chat bot
Implementation of Razor templating with OWIN
Incredibly simple real-time signalr message hub for .NET