Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on OpenTracing

Total dependencies: 85

TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles the final SQL query.
Package Description
This package provides OpenTracing support to Ocelot.
Dynamically wrap interfaces with OpenTracing instrumentation
Hook into span-start span-finished events of OpenTracing instrumentation
Provides interop between System.Diagnostics tracing constructs and OpenTracing. E.g. `Trace.CorrelationManager` -> `OpenTracing.ITracer`; `OpenTracing.ITracer` -> `TraceSource`; `TraceListener` -> `OpenTracing.ITracer`
Package Description
Elasticsearch LiteClient is a lightweight, low-abstraction alternative to the official Elasticsearch.NET/NEST.
Serilog enricher to add the OpenTracing TraceId and SpanId
Package Description
Client extensions for tracking continues asynchronus spans over Kafka using Confluent.Kafka client and OpenTracing
The Couchbase authored new and improved client for .NET based languages! Package supports both .NET Core and Full Frameworks 4.5.2 and greater. Contains fix for (NCBC-2235) multi lookup in bug.
Propagates trace information through pub/sub pattern
Provides OpenTracing support for Datadog APM
An OpenTracing concrete tracer implementation that uses [cV]( for identifying spans in the output and JSON for formatting tags and logs
Tracer.Fody plugin for instrumenting with OpenTracing
StronglyTyped abstract base class for ITracer.
Mutable ITracer for hooking into GlobalTracer.Instance.
Adds OpenTracing instrumentation for .NET Core apps that use the `Microsoft.Extensions.*` stack. Instrumented components: HttpClient calls, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and any other library that uses DiagnosticSource events.
ITracer that helps logging to console or disk.