Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on OpenRiaServices.Server

Total dependencies: 13

OpenRiaServices.T4 provides the CSharpClientCodeGenerator class, as well as many supporting classes, which can be used to override the existing code generation pattern for RIA Services.
OpenRiaServices.Endpoints provides the OpenRiaServices.Hosting.Endpoint assembly, which serves the SOAP and JSON endpoints for Domain Services. The necessary web.config entries are added with this package as well.
OpenRiaServices.EntityFramework provides the DbDomainService and LinqToEntities classes which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with a DbContext or ObjectContext from the EntityFramework package. This package supports versions of EntityFramework starting with EF 6.0.1
OpenRiaServices.UnitTesting provides a DomainServiceTestHost that can be used to unit test your Domain Services.
Server part of M2M support for OpenRiaServices. It includes Code generator and Fluent configuration extensions for OpenServices.M2M.
library that provides a fluent configuration interface for configuring domain services.
OpenRiaServices.EntityFramework provides the LinqToEntitiesDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with an ObjectContext using older versions of Entity Framework. This package supports versions of EntityFramework less than 6. If you are using ObjectCo...
OpenRiaServices.OData provides the OpenRiaServices.Hosting.OData assembly, which provides the read only OData endpoint for Domain Services. The necessary web.config entries are added with this package as well. This assembly is not under active development, future versions of Open...
OpenRiaServices.LinqToSql provides the LinqToSqlDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with a DataContext class from Linq to Sql.
This package provides support for Authenticating via Asp.Net Membership via the *AuthenticationBase* base class. The types were previously part of OpenRiaServices.Server but has now moved to a separate namespace and nuget package. Common Types: * AuthenticationBase * UserBase * ProfileUsageAttri...
OpenRiaServices.Hosting.Wcf provides the OpenRiaServices.Hosting assembly. The web.config.transform adds the necessary configSections, HTTP modules, and system.serviceModel elements to make your Domain Services available at runtime.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.LinqToSql provides the LinqToSqlDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with a DataContext class from Linq to Sql.