Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Npgsql

Total dependencies: 794

Safe SQL Databases Interface
dapper repository for MiniDDD
Store and execute SQL queries and connections, retrieve information, check data integrity, modify data, execute tests and data migrations between different data bases, can also export results to csv and text files.
FluentDbTools provides a fluent SQL abstraction layer for creating database connections, building sql queries and migrating your database.
Package Description
Simple extension methods.
.NET Core class library for querying and executing PostgreSQL command (extends from Npgsql)
.Net Standard version of BDataBase Multi database interface, Ms-Sql, MySql, PostgreSQL and Sqlite, part of my personal developer toolbox. *Oracle not supported in this version.
PostgreSql storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
PostgreSql Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
Cosmos.Logging extension for PostgreSql ADO.NET Provider.
PostgreSql package for Cosmos.Data.
This is c# library to migrate data from MSSQL sever to Postgres, database will be the same. You just neet to provide connection string for both databases.
Fast Relational DB scalable caching. Multiple DB loaders.