Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

A basic package that allows stock image services to be searched, and images from them to be downloaded.
Sberbank API integration for .NetCore. This is lib NetStandard 2.0 (remake of MedvedStudio which write on .NetFramework)
DDoS 基础防护防护 IP、攻击记录相关接口
A thin client library for Cimpress' Tagliatelle service.
Package to allow easy interaction with Brixel's SpaceAPI
The Best Library by Ben :-)
HaoCoding.AspNetCore.Extensions是深圳云企微商网络科技有限公司基于.net core平台开发的应用框架的扩展方法使用库
Google Ads Consent Sdk for Xamarin.Android
This assembly is used in all the Aibol2.IOT projects, including IOT operation website, IOT ota server or any other programs using different kinds of devices.
Spotify API Wrapper for .NET Standard
An AspNetCore.Identity storage provider for those who don't want to use a database.
C# NetrunnerDb API Wrapper
.net core dev package
Trivial to use, convention based, command line parser for .NET console apps.
.NET Core / Standard 2.0 API Class Library for Instapaper
Provides an extension method "PrettyDump" on JSON-related classes to provide a nice representation of JSON in LINQPad.
Sometimes you just need to decode the payload of a JWT Token in a C# client. This library aims to do just that. This is the specific version meant to work with Xamarin.
Package Description
Simple library which is able to search, fetch and parse the xdcc packlist of