Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Newtonsoft.Json.Bson

Total dependencies: 121

Bibliothek für den Zugriff auf den KNX Bus mittels IP oder USB.
Package Description
MassTransit.RedisSagas is a distributed application framework for .NET
Small and simple storage for JSON objects in SQL Server.
Simple oppinionated abstraction on top of the Web API for SPA's
Framework for building actors networks
Framework for building actors networks
Framework for building actors networks
MassTransit.RedisSagas is a distributed application framework for .NET
MassTransit.RedisSagas is a distributed application framework for .NET
Provides classes and components for visual testing.
Utilities for lazy loading and separating values into azure storage
Newtonsoft.JsonNet serializer provider for DataStore
Symphony Framework core libraries
Utilities for lazy loading and separating values into storage. Very useful for message queues which have a limited size per message
Simple .Net Standard library for sending and receiving json and bson messages through WebSocket.
NBlockchain is a toolkit for developers to build their own blockchain applications.