Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Nethereum.Accounts

Total dependencies: 6

Nethereum.Web3 Ethereum Web3 Class Library to interact via RPC with an Ethereum client, for example geth. Including contract interaction, deployment, transaction, encoding / decoding and event filters
Relying heavily on the Nethereum project, this library contains classes that interact with the Ethereum foundation and that extend the Wonka engine, particulary the base class WonkaBizRulesEngine in the Wonka.BizRulesEngine library. With the funtionality provided here, Wonka becomes a business rule...
Netherum.Signer.Trezor provides the External Signing capability for Ethereum transactions and Messages using Trezor Hardware wallets
Netherum.Signer.Ledger provides the External Signing capability for Ethereum transactions and Messages using Ledger Hardware wallets is a library simplifying the use of SIMBAChain APIs. We aim to abstract away the various blockchain concepts, reducing the necessary time needed to get to working code.
The DotEther package allows easy integration with Ethereum blockchain, your application can create accounts, transfer funds and get balance using U.S. dollar as the basis of calculation.