Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NUnit3 Test Adapter for Visual Studio and DotNet

Total dependencies: 141

This is a project template for .Net Core 3.1 API, pre-configured and ready to use with, 1. Autofac 5.2.0 registrations setup. 2. Ready Swagger 5.5.1 endpoint. 3. pre-Configured Serilog 2.9.0 console sinks. 4. pre-Configured AutoMapper 10.0.0. 5. pre-Installed Newtonsoft.Jso...
Official API client for the SMS Gateway.
Package Description
End to End Test Automation for Roku, XBox, Vizio, Tizen TV, LG webOS, and HDMI devices including Cable SetTop, Playstation, Tivo and more!
Unified Concurrency Tests: - wrapper for the .Net SpinLock, - TicketSpinLock, - Lock replacement of C# lock (Monitor), - wrapper around C# lock (monitor) benchmarking only, - async/await AsyncLock, - async/await AsyncSpinLock, - async/await AsyncTicketSpinLock.
ASP.NET In-App-GUI-Tests with Internet Explorer and NUnit
1) Unified Concurrency The main mission is to unify usage of heterogeneous synchronization primitives with interface/pattern based Object Oriented approach. Switching between multiple synchronization primitives with one code line change! Agile Development ready solution to synchronization. Easy upgr...
Fast, concurrently safe NetStandard 2.0 Reflection.Emit based dynamic invocation for parametric and paremeterless constructors, methods, properties and fields with caching support for already created delegates. Concurrent performance could be still improved, but concurrent safety was achieved! Thi...
Framework for Web UI Automation Testing
Package Description
The current package contains a sets of mocks for easy testing of the bpm'online business layer.
Package Description
Utilities to write unit tests and send the results to the Guts API (classic .NET Framework)
This Package will install all the dependency Packages of the Automation Framework and Create the Folder Structure
Some helpers for tests of .NET apps. Features will be add too slow.