Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NStandard

Total dependencies: 27

LinqSharp is a smarter linq extension. It allows you to write simpler code to generate complex queries.
Class libraries for formatting console output, such as tables, even interactively.
Build tools for DotNetCli creation.
Helps to create report application esasily.
P/Invoke for Win32 API, provides NativeMethods, NativeConstants and NativeTypes.
LinqSharp is a smarter linq extension. It allows you to write simpler code to generate complex queries.
SQLib is an automatic parameterized SQL authoring tool.
DotNet interface for Antd.
C# model to the TypeScript model compiler.
Powerful table with support for cell styles, intelligent merge, and more.
Random value generator.
DotNet extensions for system library.
Dawnx lite version. Less dependencies.
Linq extension makes linq more smarter.
Memory spy infrastructure.
PerfProbe is a performance testing utility. It's very easy to use.
Common constant definitions, just like MIME map, Unicode map, etc.
SqlPlus is an automatic parameterized SQL authoring tool.