Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NMF Expressions

Total dependencies: 14

The NMF Synchronizations language to support bidirectional and/or incremental model synchronizations.
A library for code generators.
This package contains the Incerator tool to optimize incremental analyses.
This package contains a transformation from NMeta to code.
This package contains the basic libraries for a model-driven project using the .NET Modelling Framework (NMF).
This package contains NMF Transformations, a framework and internal DSL to specify model transformations in C#. It consists of a generic framework for model transformations, an execution engine based on this framework and an internal DSL on top of it.
This package contains some utility classes for NMF Expressions
This package contains a set of classes to create NMF model repositories without generating code.
This package contains abstract test suites for model element classes using the MSTest testing framework.
A library for model-specific user controls.
This package contains abstract test suites for model element classes using the NUnit testing framework.
This package contains collection classes enabled for change propagation.
This package contains a set of classes to create NMF model repositories.
This package contains some debugging utility classes for NMF Expressions