Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NGettext

Total dependencies: 10

Peachpie PHP language library functions.
Picturepark .NET SDK Localization: Provides translations for exception codes and texts.
Interfaces for the portable FTP server
R7.Dnn.Extensions (formerly DotNetNuke.R7) is a library for DNN Platform web CMS extensions development (primarily, modules). It includes DAL2-based generic controller, a set of base classes for modules, useful extension methods for webcontrols and strings, various utilities and even some DNN versio...
The Translatable project ( has the goal to make creating type-safe translation objects easy. The NGettext ( implementation does this by allowing to use GNU gettext MO files as source for the translations.
Provides support of plural rule compilation to the IL bytecode.
Package Description
Proper internationalization support for WPF (via NGettext). In particular a GetTextMarkupExtension is included, which is what everyone uses anyway.