Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library
Total dependencies: 12696
CalDAV .NET client library
Stomp codec for DotNetty
Extended functionality for types including a Truncate(x) method for decimal and double
Library of psychrometric functions to calculate thermodynamic properties of air for .net.
Fork of the TheBinaryLoop/MimeDetective.General with some refactoring and improved formats detection.
Stomp codec for DotNetty
Http codec for DotNetty
This package provides the following features:
* A class for the creation of Named Lock objects
* Helper classes for running asynchronous code synchronously without the risk of DeadLocks
* A class for running code in a separate thread safely
A pure C# library provides bytes searching capabilities supports wildcards.
Inasync.MessagingClient is a .NET helper library that provides a simple messaging API.
Wox Plugin template for dotnet-new.
C# api library for Gratisal payroll system.
Package Description
C# port of the Python SvgMath utility by Nikolai Grigoriev.
.NET Standard library with helper and extension methods that exclusively deal with KeyValuePair<,>.
Sodium Functional - Functional constructs for C#.
An easy to use mockable clock. Pass WallClock to your services in production/dev code and use MockClock in unit tests; or, if you don't want to pass around a clock, do Clock.Default = new MockClock(); in your unit tests.