Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

A cross cutting concern library which provides interfaces, base classes and generic implementations for the command design patterns.
A cross cutting concern library which just provides interfaces and base classes for the command design patterns.
Protobuf serialization with Kafka for .Net
The package helps in working with the functionality to import data from excel. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process of importing data from excel file and inserting data in to databse for .Net Framework,.Net Core applications, .NetStandard2.1.
A .net client library for Pleroma/Mastodon
PrizmDoc Server .NET SDK The PrizmDoc Server .NET SDK is a wrapper around the PrizmDoc Server REST APIs, making it easy to use PrizmDoc Server functionality in .NET. Documentation Site: You can use this package with...
Natural text sort order string comparer is a sync/async .NET 4.5+ client, and a portable class library for the Bongloy API.
Functional Error Handling library that is intented to be idiomatic for C#. Based on the Railway Oriented Programming idea
Generic extensions to dynamically store and retrieve arbitrary objects during Hangfire task creation and invocation.
Ding.SafeOrBit是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的一个安全工具集,包括不同的高性能算法和易于使用的类,用于高级内存保护。
Convert Lightbend's HOCON (Human-Optimized Object Configuration Notation) to Json
Implementation of Golay codes Reference name: v2.2.1-preview1 Working tree:
Unity extension to integrate with Common.Logging logging abstraction.
Add JWT authentication with just mere configuration in your Web Application.